Every Mind Is a World

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

When we are born, there are no words in our mind, but we have a brain and we have eyes, and our brain captures images that come from light. We start perceiving light and the reaction of our brain to light is an endless pla...

The Circle of Fire Prayer

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Many years ago, after finishing a cycle of teaching with my apprentices, we created the first Circle of Fire ceremony. The ceremony was for those who had recovered their will, their faith, and their love. All the people at the ceremony h...

The importance of forgiveness

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Forgiveness is an act of self-love. You must forgive those who hurt you, even if what they did to you is unforgivable in your mind. You will forgive them not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because you don’t want to suffer and...

Stop trying to read minds

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, sits down with Oprah to share his thoughts on the third agreement: Don’t make assumptions. All the sadness and drama you have lived in your life is rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally. Find out...

“The Four Agreements” – Introduction

In The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new...

Domestication: Part 2 of 2

In the process of domestication, you learn that you need to be a certain way in order to be accepted, and because it’s not okay to be what you are, you start pretending to be what you are not. You form an image of what...

The Four Agreements
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