Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, sits down with Oprah to explore the BIG questions. He discusses his definition of God and answers life’s vast mysteries such as: What is the difference between spirituality and religion? What happens when we die? What does the world...

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, sits down with Oprah to share his thoughts on the third agreement: Don’t make assumptions. All the sadness and drama you have lived in your life is rooted in making assumptions and taking things personally. Find out...

Find out why readers of The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz say it has changed their lives forever. Followers of Ruiz’s Toltec wisdom find themselves feeling more centered in their lives, and more truthful with themselves and others. Watch as readers express how they’ve...

Do you find yourself “showing up” for other people, but rarely keeping the promises you make to yourself? Learn what don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and Oprah say about the importance of this first agreement and how honoring it will change your...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

Have you ever noticed that we are all messengers? Every one of us uses the word to form our opinions, to express our point of view. We are constantly using the word to deliver and receive messages to those around us and to...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Before you learned to speak, you loved with no effort, you forgave with no effort. It was natural to love; it was natural to forgive. But then you learned how to behave from other people who didn’t love, who didn’t forgive. Today, if...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Many times there are things in our lives that we don’t like, that we want to change, but we make the same mistakes, the same choices, expecting that the result will be different. Well, it will not be different. Every action has a conse...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

This practice idea will help you to become aware of the agreements you’ve made with yourself, and to recover the awareness of your authentic self. The objective is to become aware of any agreements that limit the expression of your cre...

by don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills

Thousands of years ago the Toltec created three masteries to guide us out of suffering and return us to our true nature, which is happiness, freedom, and love. The Toltec encouraged us to see ourselves with truth, and they created a maste...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

The fifth agreement is be skeptical, but learn to listen. Be skeptical because most of what you hear isn’t true. You know that humans speak with symbols and that symbols are only the truth because we agree

The Four Agreements
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