31 Mar Help me to change the world
by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills
I invite you to participate in a new dream for humanity, one in which all of us can live in harmony, truth, and love. In this dream, people of all religions and all philosophies are not just welcome, but respected. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Christ, Moses, Allah, Brahma, Buddha, or any other being or master; everybody is welcome to share this dream. Each one of us has our own beliefs, our own point of view. There are billions of different points of view, but it’s the same light, the same force of life behind each one of us.
If you feel the truth in these words, then I invite you to open your heart and help me to change the world. Of course, the very first question is: How are you going to change the world? The answer is easy. By changing your world.
When I ask you to help me to change the world, I’m not talking about planet Earth. I’m referring to the world that exists in your head.
You will not change the world if you don’t change your own world first. The change begins with you. You will change the world by loving yourself, by enjoying life, by making your personal world a dream of heaven. And I ask you for your help because you are the only one who can make this change.
If you decide that you want to help me change the world, the easiest way is by practicing five agreements: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best. Be skeptical, but learn to listen. These are the tools to change your world, to change the world, and they are nothing but pure common sense. If you practice these five agreements, if you make them your way of life, there won’t be any more war in your head. There won’t be any more war with your loved ones. There will be peace.
You deliver a message every time you speak. The question is: do you deliver the truth, or do you deliver lies? When the message you deliver comes from truth and love, you are happier. And just by being happier, everyone benefits because your joy, your happiness, your heaven are contagious.
When you are happy, the people around you are happy too, and it inspires them to change their own world.
We represent a whole legacy, and when I say “we,” I’m speaking for all humans. Our legacy is love; it’s joy; it’s happiness. Let’s enjoy this world. Let’s enjoy one another. We are meant to love one another, not to hate one another. Let’s stop believing that our differences make us superior or inferior to one another. Let’s not believe that lie. Let’s not be afraid that our different colors make us different people. Who cares? It’s just another lie. We don’t have to believe all the lies and superstitions that control our lives. We can return to the truth, and be messengers of truth. We can change our whole way of thinking and have a wonderful love affair with life. It’s incredible what we can do if we really want to do it. All we need is to be aware of what we are doing, and to return to the authenticity we were born with.
Help me to change the world is an invitation to be authentic, to follow your heart, to be free of superstitions and lies. And I’m not asking you to try to change the world. Don’t try; just do it. Take the action today.
By adopting the Five Agreements, you will create peace in your head, in your own world, and thereby help to create peace in the entire world.
How long will it take for the entire world to change? The truth is that we don’t care how long it will take. We are not in a hurry, but we have no time to lose. Help me to change the world.
Adapted from The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery. Copyright © 2010 by Miguel Angel Ruiz, M.D., Jose Luis Ruiz, and Janet Mills. Reprinted by Permission of Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc., San Rafael, California.