The Fifth Agreement Tag

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

When we are born, there are no words in our mind, but we have a brain and we have eyes, and our brain captures images that come from light. We start perceiving light and the reaction of our brain to light is an endless pla...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

I invite you to participate in a new dream for humanity, one in which all of us can live in harmony, truth, and love. In this dream, people of all religions and all philosophies are not just welcome, but respected. It does...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

For thousands of years, humans have tried to understand the universe, nature, and mainly human nature. It’s amazing to observe humans in action all around the world, in all the different places and cultures that...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

Are you aware that almost everything you tell yourself is an assumption? Humans have a powerful imagination, very powerful, and there are so many ideas and stories that we can imagine. We listen to the symbols talking in o...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

Have you ever noticed that we are all messengers? Every one of us uses the word to form our opinions, to express our point of view. We are constantly using the word to deliver and receive messages to those around us and to...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

This practice idea will help you to become aware of the agreements you’ve made with yourself, and to recover the awareness of your authentic self. The objective is to become aware of any agreements that limit the expression of your cre...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

The fifth agreement is be skeptical, but learn to listen. Be skeptical because most of what you hear isn’t true. You know that humans speak with symbols and that symbols are only the truth because we agree

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

Respect is a beautiful word, and it’s one of the most important symbols that we can understand. Imagine that you never heard the word before, and let’s make it up and agree on the meaning, because just like any other s...

The Four Agreements
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