The Four Agreements Tag

In the process of domestication, you learn that you need to be a certain way in order to be accepted, and because it’s not okay to be what you are, you start pretending to be what you are not. You form an image of what...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

The first agreement is the most important one and also the most difficult one to honor. It is so important that with just this first agreement you will be able to transcend to the level of existence I call heaven on earth.

The fir...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

This practice idea will help you to become aware of the agreements you’ve made with yourself, and to recover the awareness of your authentic self. The objective is to become aware of any agreements that limit the expression of your cre...

by don Miguel Ruiz, don Jose Ruiz, and Janet Mills

The fifth agreement is be skeptical, but learn to listen. Be skeptical because most of what you hear isn’t true. You know that humans speak with symbols and that symbols are only the truth because we agree

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Think of a recent event in your life that caused you emotional pain. Then imagine this event from a “distant” perspective; that is, try to detach yourself emotionally from the actions–reactions that were part of this event.


by don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills

When you are one, two, or three years old, you cannot see yourself. The only way to see yourself is to look at your image in a mirror, and other people act as that mirror, which means they tell you what they believe you are. You ...

by don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills

Today you can take a great step toward a return to love by healing your relationship with yourself. Love for yourself is the key to loving others. When your relationship with yourself is based on love and respect, your relationship with ...

The Four Agreements
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